Rick and Diane´s
Big Red Barn Weather Report    

Dewpoint:  °F


UV level:
Barometer:     in     ()
Wind Speed:     mph
Direction:    ,  °

Wind Gust:     mph
10min Average Speed:     mph
Wind chill:     °F
Heat Index:     °F
Current Rainfall:     in/hr

Rain Storm Total:       in
Storm Started:   

Rainfall Totals:
Today:               in
This Month:      in
This Year:         in
   Sunrise:       Sunset:   
Current Conditions Highs and Lows Data
The data on this page automatically updates every 5 seconds.
The radar updates every 10 minutes. LINKS TO NEW LONDON AREA WEATHER ON THE WEB>
National Weather Service, Forecast for Des Moines County
National Weather Service, Current Conditions for Mt. Pleasant
The Weather Channel Forecast for New London
Weather Underground- Current Conditions and Forecast
AccuWeather.com - Current Conditions and Forecast
